four-letter word - definitie. Wat is four-letter word
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Wat (wie) is four-letter word - definitie

Four letter word; Four letter words; Four-letter words; Four-letter; 4-letter word; 4 letter word; Four-Letter Words
  • Campaign button]] used in the [[1976 United States presidential election]].

four-letter word         
¦ noun a short word referring to sexual or excretory functions, regarded as coarse or offensive.
four-letter word         
(four-letter words)
A four-letter word is a short word that people consider to be rude or offensive, usually because it refers to sex or other bodily functions.
= swear word
Letter (paper size)         
  • Comparison of Letter (shaded light blue) and Government letter sizes with some similar paper and photographic paper sizes
US Letter; Letter paper size; US letter; Letter size; Letter-size paper; Letter paper; 8 1/2 x 11; 8.5 x 11; Eight and a half by eleven; 8.5 * 11
Letter or ANSI Letter is a paper size standard defined by the American National Standards Institute, commonly used as home or office stationery in the United States, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and the Philippines. It measures , similar to the A4 paper standard used by most other countries, defined in ISO 216 by the International Organization for Standardization.


Four-letter word

The phrase four-letter word refers to a set of English-language words written with four letters which are considered profane, including common popular or slang terms for excretory functions, sexual activity and genitalia, blasphemies, terms relating to Hell or damnation when used outside of religious contexts, or slurs. The "four-letter" claim refers to the fact that many (but not all) English "swear words" are incidentally four-character monosyllables. The term was used in this sense as early as 1886 in the United States and Great Britain.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor four-letter word
1. It's a four-letter word.
Skycorp and the ISEE-3 Reboot Project _ Dennis Wingo _ Talks at Google
2. The four letter word that follows cluster.
Scaling Up Excellence _ Bob Sutton & Huggy Rao _ Talks at Google
3. It is a four-letter word.
Bringing Tabla to the Global Stage _ Zakir Hussain _ Talks at Google
4. debt is a four-letter word.
Swiss Watching - Inside the Land of Milk and Money _ Diccon Bewes _ Talks at Google
5. is a bad, four-letter word.
Should I Scoop Out My Bagel _ Ilyse Schapiro & Hallie Rich _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor four-letter word
1. Jack Tweedy uses a four–letter word to describe Shilpa.
2. In a country where liberal is practically a four–letter word, Rudy‘s offers refuge.
3. And, as we all know, in American politics Liberal is a four letter word.
4. "Everywhere Tammy went, it was something Tammy gave _ that four letter word ‘hope,‘" said the Rev.
5. "I‘m looking for that big four–letter word: sale," she says.